Gender Swap: The Introvert’s Broadcast

Chapter 9

I’d posted many times on the Ifrit Gallery and managed to stir up quite a bit of reaction, but I’d never seen a response this intense. It was almost amusing.

[Author: LondonSecrets]
[Title: Major Breaking News!!!!!!!!]
[Content: I’ll be streaming on Twyst starting tomorrow. Come check it out!]

L: “Is this for real??”
환희: “Will you do something for us if we drop by your stream?”
ㄴ: “They’ll give you a tip, apparently~”
ㄴ: “Why would they ‘tip’ there, though?”
L: “You’re streaming all of a sudden?”
L: “Did watching Mangming’s stream make you wanna try it too? Haha”
ㄴ: “Honestly, watching Mangming makes me feel like I could do it too.”
ㄴ: “Right? lol”
L: “But streaming is actually kind of tough. Are you sure you’re up for it?”
ㄴ: “You’re gonna get cursed out a lot.”
ㄴ: “As long as you’re not a total jerk, it shouldn’t be that bad.”

Reading through the comments, I could get a sense of how the regulars in the gallery were reacting.

‘They think I’m going in seriously.’

Since I had no intention of committing to streaming full-time, I quickly clarified.

[Author: LondonSecrets]
[Title: Guys, I’m not doing this seriously;;;]
[Content: It’s just for fun, to hang out with you gallery folks.]

This should get the message across. I posted and, soon after, comments started rolling in again.

L: “But if you do well, you gotta keep it up, LOL”
ㄴ: “If it works out, of course, you should keep going!”
ㄴ: “If money’s coming in, who wouldn’t keep at it?”
L강후민: “So, can I spam your chat if I join?”
ㄴ: “Do you think that’s allowed?”
ㄴ: “Breaking social rules as usual, Kang Pyeong, LOL.”
ㄴ: “But who’s this Kang Hoo Min guy?”

In the gallery, there was a popular user called “Kang Hoo Min,” though it wasn’t his real name. The name actually belonged to a well-known finance YouTuber, famous for his bizarre comments in Shorts videos. His name popped up here and there in the gallery, mostly among people who’d watched his videos.

‘…I’ve never seen his stuff myself, though.’

Anyway, that wasn’t the important part. What mattered now was reaching level 30 quickly so I could play solo rank.


I finally hit level 30. I’d estimated it would take about three hours, but it took a bit longer. Honestly, I felt like calling it quits, but—

[Solo/Duo Ranked]

I couldn’t resist the option in front of me. I’d played countless normal games, all for the chance to do solo rank. Rumor had it that solo rank was the most fun.

‘I’m excited.’

I started prepping to stream, eager to experience solo rank for myself. Since I’d already researched the setup, I didn’t have any issues adjusting the settings. A quick final check, and I was ready to hit “Start Stream.”


It was about time for Yeram to get home. If she showed up while I was streaming, it’d be embarrassing. Not because streaming itself was awkward, but because I might say something strange and get caught.

‘Better to start once she’s here.’

She knew more about Twyst than I did, so getting some advice wouldn’t hurt. With that in mind, I sat down and waited.

Just then—


The sound of the door lock unlocking, and Yeram came in.

“Aah… I’m so dead tired.”

She flopped straight onto the floor, catching her breath. She looked so worn out that I almost let her be, but there was something more important.

“I need to ask you something, can you get up?”

“…Right now? Really?”

She asked back, twice. But I had no choice; it’d feel weird to delay the stream any longer.

“It’s really urgent.”

“Urgent? Ugh…”

Grumbling, she sat up and looked at me expectantly.

“What is it?”

“Well, actually…”

It was hard to start. How many people can comfortably tell their little sister, “I’m planning to start streaming”? I knew she’d probably start teasing me right away.

“Hurry up. I’m tired.”

With her urging, I blurted it out.

“I’m starting a stream and need your help.”

Now it was Yeram’s turn to lend a hand.

“Alright, set this up like that, and I think we’re good to go.”

“Wow, finally done.”

“I’d heard there was even more to set up, but it takes too long to go that deep.”

It already felt like I’d spent ages setting up; imagining it taking even longer was a bit shocking. I could only guess at how much time pro streamers spent tweaking their settings. I turned to Yeram.

“Alright, I’m about to start, so keep quiet.”

“Got it.”

As agreed, I gave her 10,000 won to stay quiet while I streamed. After she helped with the setup, I moved the mouse and clicked the button to start streaming.

Of course, there was no camera. I wanted to chat with the gallery folks, but that didn’t mean I was about to show my face. I wasn’t a celebrity, after all.

I checked the chat, where a single viewer had joined.


They’d probably wandered in, curious about a new stream.


[NidaleeLover: lol]

Judging by the username and the way they typed, I knew exactly who it was.

“Yeram, you wanna die?”

She could’ve told me if she was joining. I’d thought it was a real viewer and had greeted them too politely.

“Wow… this is the most polite I’ve ever seen you, oppa.”

“Shut up.”

Of all people, I couldn’t let Yeram mock me. A little sister, treating her big brother like this? I calmed myself and posted in the gallery.

[Author: LondonSecrets]
[Title: Stream started@@@@@@@@]
[Content: Search ‘FusionWithRammusSpikes’ on Twyst and join @@]

I’d thought about making a new ID, but the process was more complicated than I expected, so I used Yeram’s old account. I wasn’t aiming to earn money anyway; I just needed an account to get started.

After posting, I waited a moment.

[DivineOmnipotentCthulhu: Whoa, this is actually real LOL]
환희: LondonSecrets! LondonSecrets! LondonSecrets! LondonSecrets!
강후민입니다: This stream will crash and burn. Better quit while you’re ahead.
[Facts, as always, from Kang Pyeong, lol]
[Sharp social commentary, Kang Pyeong, lol]

People started joining quickly. Already twelve viewers. Being active in the gallery had definitely helped—who’d have thought so many would drop by?

“Hey, everyone.”

I couldn’t help but greet them; it felt great to have people show up. But as soon as I did—

[DivineOmnipotentCthulhu: ????]
환희: What the heck]
강후민입니다: ?]
[Who are you?]
[Why do I hear a man’s voice? Am I hearing this wrong?]

I could see the confusion in their comments. Then it hit me.

‘Oh, right. This is a gender-reversed world.’

In this world, roles between men and women were swapped. From their perspective, I could understand their shock. We’d always exchanged jokes with a bit of edge, only to find out the person behind the account was the opposite sex.

[DivineOmnipotentCthulhu: Wait, are you really a guy????]
환희: No way, lol stop lying, no way, lol stop lying, no way, lol stop lying
강후민입니다: Prove you’re a man by turning on the cam and revealing important parts.
[Kang Pyeong’s filthy sense of humor, lol]
[How low can you go, lol]

Looking at the chat, no one seemed to believe me. Not that I’d believe it either, if I were in their shoes.

‘Who would believe that?’

Someone who’d been so active in this male-dominated community, suddenly revealing they were a guy. But—

“Why should I prove it? Believe it or not, your choice.”

I didn’t feel the need to explain. Revealing my gender wouldn’t benefit me anyway. After saying that—

[DivineOmnipotentCthulhu: Hm… is it true?]
환희: Feels sketchy…
강후민입니다: Show us.

They still thought I was female. Judging by how casually they threw out risque jokes, it was obvious. I didn’t mind, though.

Just then—

“What’s up with these people?”

Yeram was getting visibly irritated.

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