Endless Wars: being the most OP in the world of OP is a bother







SCENE: Bishop’s Office. (one hour earlier)


Master Dann walks in.


Master Dann: Yes sir?


Bishop: Daniel, you and team have been given orders to head to the city Port. We’ve received intel of some shady business operating there.


Master Dann: But, what does that have to do with us?


Bishop: Our intel says it’s connected to Terror. (Dann nods) Head there as soon as possible but be careful. There isn’t much else in the intel about this mission, not even what we’re supposed to be investigating. Oh, Daniel, this goes without saying but, proceed with extreme caution.



SCENE: New York City Port. (present time)


Draconic: (grits his teeth in anger) Dammit. I see, so it was a trap. You lured us out here to ambush us.


Cold Snap: (grins eerily) Mmm, not bad. Draconic, I presume.


Bomb Blast: (snappy) That’s ‘Master Draconic’ to you, freak!


The villain ‘Cold Snap’ is an attractive adult female. She has dark skin, straight, tail-length, snow-white hair, ice-blue eyes, and a fairly large bust. She wears a snow-white dress with deep blue accents that goes down to her feet, a slit on the right from the thigh down, matching shoulder-length gloves and dark blue knee-length boots. Her ears are ordained with gold, teardrop-shaped pendant earrings, and her face, decorated with deep blue eyeshadow and white lipstick.


Cold Snap: (her grin not fading) Ohhh, a feisty one, are you? I like that. (licks her lips enticingly)


Scratch Mark: Right you are, Draconic. We staged this little farce to bring Enforcement's elite team to their end. It was super easy with all the info and help we got.


Draconic: Info? Help? What are talking about?


Scratch Mark: Wouldn’t you like to know.


Lightspeed: (voice sounding metallic through his helmet) Enough talk, get them!


‘Lightspeed’ is a tall adult male with a thin build, who wears a black, skin-tight body-suit under purple partial armor with deep-blue details, consisting of an armless top that covers only the torso, armbraces on his forearms, metal gloves, knee-length boots and a helmet that completely conceals his face, with only a horizontal, rectangular slit in front to show his green eyes. Attached to his back are two sheathes, each containing a katana with a black handle.


The soldiers, all dressed in all-black and dark gray, at least fifty in number, charge at them all at once. One man, lunges at Bomb Blast with a punch only for the him to dodge before punching the man in the face, creating an explosion upon impact that sends him flying. Warlady protrudes her tentacles and launches them in all directions, impaling eight people at once. Taurus unstraps his hammer and begins swinging, sending people flying, while Empath generates a pair of butterfly wings and hovers to the sky, raising one hand.




She fires balls of deep, midnight-blue light at them, forcing them into a state of panic and fear. The three main Terror soldiers watch the scene unfold from the interior roundabout balcony making up the upper level of the warehouse.


Lightspeed: Hmmm, not bad. They’re quite impressive.


Cold Snap: As expected of Enforcement’s second-best team.


Scratch Mark: I told you.


Lightspeed: Yes, however, unfortunately for them, the wheels of fate are about to turn in the other direction.


A soldier runs up to Warlady and punches the air in front of him, firing bolt of pure force at her.


Draconic: Warlady! Look out!


She turns to see the attack but can’t react in time, Draconic however, is, he spreads his wings and bolts to her front using his wings as a shield to block the attack. He then flies at top speed to the soldier and delivers a clothesline straight to his throat. One leaps into the air and delivers a powerful drop-punch straight for Bomb Blast, but uses his explosions to propel himself back, dodging the attack which smashed through the ground. Bomb Blast then raises his hands towards her, creating an explosion around her that launches her away, incapacitating her instantly.


Bomb Blast then suddenly feels a powerful blow to his back the sends blood out of his mouth. He turns to face a lean soldier with glowing purple fists. The soldier charges to deliver another heavy hit, he catches their arm by the wrist and prepares to explode it when another comes up and throws their palm out at him. Bomb Blast feels an odd feeling, like multiple invisible hands push him at once, knocking back a few feet, but otherwise okay. Glaring daggers at the two, he leaps forth at the first, the other shoots another attack, but Bomb Blast had anticipated it as creates an explosion between which manages to block it. He punches the first, simultaneously creating an explosion that lunches and incapacitates him, then lunges for the second, using his explosions to build momentum, he delivers a powerful explosion kick to his face, beating him too.


Taurus lifts two in his hands and smacks them together, knocking them out, he suddenly feels a slash on his back, which causes him to wince and groan in pain. He turns to see man hold a sabre. He grabs his hammer and swings it down on the man, but the soldier dashes out with superhuman speed in time. Stopping several yards back, his blade glows a pale-blue light, and he swings it, launching a blue energy slash at Taurus whom promptly blocks it with his hammer. The soldier releases an onslaught of slashes but Taurus blocks them all, a blue tentacle suddenly stabs the man right shoulder from behind, causing a scream of pain and shock from him. The tentacle retracts itself as he falls to the ground, Taurus looks up to see Warlady standing behind him.


Taurus: Thanks.


Warlady: No problem. (leaps into the air and fire a torrent of blue energy bolts from her fingers at them) ‘RAPID FIRE FINGERS’


The energy bullets pierce through the bodies of their targets, lethally injuring, if not outright killing them. Another female soldier enlarges her hands and grabs her in midair and begins squeezing.


Terror soldier: I’ll squeeze you till you pop, b*tch.


Warlady screams in pain


Empath: (screams) Warlady!


Draconic looks over before taking off into the sky and shooting a beam of fire from his hand at the soldier’s, causing a pained scream from her. She releases an already unconscious Warlady and shrinks her arms back to normal size, before growling furiously at Draconic. She leaps into the air hands raised as a large rock materializes above them. She threw it at them only for it explode before even reaching them.


Terror soldier: Huh? (turns to see Bomb Blast watching the scene with serious face)


Draconic doesn’t waste any time and baths her in shower of dragon fire, incinerating her like it’s nothing. He then turns to his team.


Draconic: Everyone huddle below me. (they do as he said and the remaining soldier all rush in to from all sides to close in on them) ‘DRAGON BREATH INFERNO’


He releases an inferno of vermillion orange flames that could make “Ozai” proud from his mouth, burning all the soldiers to nothing.


Cold Snap: (smiles amusedly) Hmm, Impressive.


Scratch Mark: (grits his teeth) … Useless fools. Enough watching, now it’s our turn.


All three leap down to the ground to join the fight.


Bomb Blast: You cowards finally decide to face us yourselves?


Draconic: (hovering down, then kneeling put down Warlady) Stay sharp everyone. These aren’t just foot soldiers, they’re agents. High-grade soldiers.


Taurus: Whatever! They’re about to be high-grade punching bags.



SCENE: Enforcement Branch Office


Bishop stands in the middle of a hallway, staring out a row of window of equal length with the hallway. As he stares out into the night sky, a man walks up behind him.


Mr. Chiroptera: Oh, Prof. Cunnycut. A pleasure seeing you this fine evening.


Bishop: (turning to face him) Ah, Mr. Chiroptera. You’re working late today. Last minute work.


Mr. Chiroptera: Oh, you know, it’s always something.


Mr. Chiroptera, a tall man about the same height as Bishop. His skin, alabaster, short black hair, combed back, purple eyes and black bat-ears instead of normal human ones, plus a pair vampire fangs in his upper jaw. His attire, a black dress suit complete with matching dress shoes, a red tie, and a white dress shirt underneath.


Bishop nods and looks back out at the sky.


Mr. Chiroptera: What’s on your mind?


Bishop: You’re our chief of intelligence, are you sure that’s all the intel you could get on this.


Mr. Chiroptera: You mean about the mission? (Bishop nods, Mr. Chiroptera grinning) Don’t you trust me, we at the intelligence department pride ourselves on getting as much of the best information as possible, but even we have our limits. We are still humans after all, as powerful as we may be, there are still some things beyond our capabilities, it took a lot of effort just to get this much.


Bishop: (sighs) You’re right, this mission is just…strange.


Mr. Chiroptera: (jokingly) Oh, don’t tell me you’re actually worried about them. It’s not like you to worry about the safety or well-being of enforcers.


Bishop: (now more serious and matter-of-factly) Perhaps it’s that my robotic face doesn’t show emotional expressions that you assume by the tone of my voice that I actually care about the mission tools. What I do care about is my reputation in the eyes of the elders. I’m not just the head of science research and development, I’m also the head of the New York Branch’s forces. If their performance is less than exceptional, I’m the one who gets passed the bulk.


Mr. Chiroptera: Sure, sure. Besides, there’s nothing to worry about, this is Elite Squad we’re talking about, they’re the second-ranked team in the organization. Made entirely of 4 top-tiers and a god-tier enforcer, you’re worried for nothing.


Bishop: Yeah, you’re probably right.


Mr. Chiroptera: (walking away) Well, I’m off. Good night.


Bishop: Night.


Bishop continues staring out the window, not turning to face Mr. Chiroptera’s retreating figure…or seeing the slasher smile he has on his face.



SCENE: New York City Port.


Scratch Mark lunges at them, claws extended, he tries to slash them but recoils back in time to dodge Taurus’ hammer swing. The minotaur leaps towards him, hammer raised to flatten, Scratch Mark dodges again and slashes his arm, causing him to scream and wince in pain. Scratch Mark raises his hand to deliver a killing blow. However, an explosion erupts in front of him, launching him back. He lands feet first, a look of determination and rage on his face. He takes off at Bomb Blast and swings at him but the slightly younger male propels himself back with his explosions, then forward at the villain to plant a hard a kick to his skull, creating an explosion right on the man’s face, sending him flying.


Lightspeed: (to Cold Snap) Take care of him.


Cold Snap: No problem.


She raises her hands at him and fires and beam of ice at him.


Empath: Bomb Blast, look out.


Bomb Blast: (turns and notices just in time to be encased in a block of ice from the neck down) Ngh!


Empath: Bomb Blast!


Bomb Blast: Don’t worry, I’m fine.


Cold Snap: Fine? Please, you’re frozen solid. My ice is unbreakable.


Bomb Blast: (creates an explosion from within the ice, breaking free) Unbreakable, my ass. The only unbreakable thing here is that thick head of yours.


Cold Snap: (growls and bites the tip of her thumb angrily) Alright then, let’s see how you deal with…THIS! ‘ICICLE STORM’


She fires and storm of ice spikes at him, he creates an explosion in the air between them to block most, but some still manage to get through. He leaps to the side to dodge but some still manage slash him, causing a pained scream.


Cold Snap: (smirks triumphantly) Hah! Not so fine now, huh?


Bomb Blast: (growls with fury) B*tch.




She fires a ball of orange-yellow light at Cold Snap who creates an ice wall to block it, unfortunately for her, the orb phases through the ball and hits her. Or rather, it would’ve if she didn’t suddenly disappear from that spot, at that moment.


Empath: Huh?! (looks around to see Cold Snap with Lightspeed) What?!


Lightspeed: You good?


Cold Snap: (nods) Yes.


Empath: (grits her teeth) That must be the notorious supervillain Lightspeed. Supposedly, he can move faster than the eye can see, and I see that’s apparently through. He pulled her out of the way of my attack at the last second. (raises a hand to them) ‘MIND-PIERCING EMOTION: SUICIDAL GRIEF’. (she fires a reddish-black light ball that at them, but Lightspeed uses his skill pull them out of the way again, seeming vanishing into thin air) …!


Bomb Blast: Ignore them Empath, look out.


Empath: Huh? (turns to him in confusion, only to receive what looks like a blade-slash made of wind, square on the centre of her back, between her wings) Gah! Hegh! (coughs out blood on reflex and falls to the ground)


Bomb Blast: EMPATH!


Empath props herself up on her hands and looks up, turning around to see Scratch Mark grinning evilly at her. He chuckles and slashes at air with both hands, launching two more wind-blade slashes straight at her.


Empath: (tries to get up in time…) Blades of winds? I didn’t know he could do that.


…but isn’t fast enough and is hit again, first on her right wing, dispelling it and then on her chest, sending her back down, this time several feet back. She wretches and coughs out more blood, breathing hard to try and stable herself. Scratch Mark prepares for another wind blade attack only Taurus to appear behind him, hammer raised to strike.


Taurus: You’re Dead!


Scratch Mark: And you talk too much.


He turns and holds his arms up to use as a shield, an actual metal shield manifests in place. Taurus delivers a powerful diagonal swing, hitting the shield. The circular metal protector is strong enough to prevent damage but not impact, it seems, as Scratch Mark is still sent flying more than ten meters away. Bomb Blast runs to Empath’s side.


Bomb Blast: Are you okay?


Empath: (coughing and hyperventilating) I’ll…live.


Taurus: I’m ending this, ‘TREMOR SMASH’.


Taurus delivers a powerful strike to the ground with his hammer, sending a beam of uprooted earth from the ground straight at Scratch Mark. The villain, still reeling from the pain, not yet recovering, looks scared, realizing his about to lose again when…


Meanwhile Draconic tries to wake Warlady up.


Draconic: Hey, Warlady, wake up already.


Warlady: (stirs awake) Ugghhh. (shakes and holds her head)


Draconic: (helping her up) Can you fight?


Warlady: (determinedly) Yeah, no problem! Let’s win thi-- (cut off as a bullet of pure, blood-red plasma bolts through head)


Warlady falls back down to the ground, landing on her side with her limbs sprawled every which way, the look of shock frozen on her face, her blood creating a pool.


Draconic: (shocked, screams) WARLADY!


Empath and Bomb Blast: (turn to them) Huh? (realize what has happened, gasp in shock)


Back with Taurus and Scratch Mark’s fight. The attack nearly hits him, but a missile suddenly hits it just before reaching him, ending it in an explosion.


Taurus: (shocked) What?!


He sees a strong-looking man with deep purple hair peach and honey skin and dark eyes. His outfit consists of a black army general uniform with red and blue accents, no hat. On his face, a pair of black metal visor-like glasses, reminiscent of Cyclops’ visor from X-men; but with two eyehole-slits instead of a single one across.


Militant: Sorry we’re late.


Scratch Mark: Took your sweet time.


Militant: (shrugs nonchalantly) I said sorry.


One-shot: (grins evilly) Bullseye.


Lightspeed: Nice shot, One-shot.


One-shot: Of course, I don’t call myself One-shot for nothing.


One-shot, a tall, young man, seemingly in his late teens or early twenties, maybe somewhere in the middle. He has porcelain skin, blue-gray eyes and disheveled ginger hair. He wears a black t-shirt under a light-gray, short-sleeved jacket, dark-gray jeans, black boots and black fingerless gloves.


Lightspeed: (turns towards a dark corner to the side) So, did you see all you needed to?


Draconic: (glares hatefully) Why you… (leaps towards One-shot but a ball of fire flies in his way, making him stop abruptly)


Out of the shadows comes a frightening-looking dark-skinned man, his hair and eyes dark as the night, the former straight and long. His stoic expression, evil and menacing, as much as his aura, which is oozing with bloodlust and killing intent. His clothing, a black top under a dark-gray long-coat, fastened by a sewn-in belt. Black gloves and dress shoes, with a black mask that stretches down a bit below each eye.


Dread: (speaking in a cold and empty tone, matching the stoic face) Yes, the info we received on their strengths and weaknesses turned to be indeed accurate.


Draconic: (under his breath) Info?


Bomb Blast: You…a*shole! You’ll pay for what you did. (charges at them with a hand covered in mini-explosions)


Draconic: No, Bomb Blast! Wait!


One-shot cocks his pistol and aims at Bomb Blast and fires a plasma bullet at him.


Bomb Blast: …! (stops and swings his arm in front of himself, creating an explosion that deflects the bullet) Son of a-- (creates an explosion around them)


The attack doesn’t land however, as Lightspeed pulls them all out of there.


Empath: (turns to see Militant focus his attention on Bomb Blast) Bomb Blast! Look out!


Bomb Blast: What?!


Militant raises his hand and quickly swings it down, summoning several missiles above Bomb Blast, which fall right on top of him, causing an explosion. Bomb Blast screams in pain.


Empath: (screams in horror) BOMB BLAST!


The explosive enforcer is thrown back by the explosion, hitting a wall, lands on the ground with a loud thud. He is hurt, more from the crash than the blast as he didn’t seem to possess any burns. He barely manages to prop himself up on his elbows, struggling to push through his all-over aching body.


Bomb Blast: (gritting his teeth) Dammit! Just who the hell are you guys?!


Militant: (furrows his eyes) ..., you can call me Militant.


Cold Snap: That’s enough dear, I’ll take care of him now.


She raises her hand to prepare an attack, only for a plasma bullet to pierce through Bomb Blast’s head. The two, surprised, turn around to see One-shot blowing away the smoke from the barrel of his gun.


Cold Snap: (angry) Hey!


One-shot: You snooze, you lose.


Empath: (bursts into tears) BOMB BLAST!


Taurus: (charges straight for them) You…you a*ses!


He throws his hammer at them, only for Militant to summon two large rockets and launches them at it, destroying the hammer. He then bolts towards Taurus, launching more missiles to distract him, Taurus takes the missiles head-on and runs through the explosion with major burns but is still otherwise okay; that is, until Militant makes it to him and raises his right hand. Fist bathed in red glowing energy, he punches Taurus in the chest, launching him back with the energy flying of his fist like a projectile, pushing Taurus back into a support beam, before exploding on him.


Empath: ENOUGH! (generates bat wings and goes airborne, before glaring daggers at Militant) ‘MIND-PIERCING EMOTION: SUICIDAL GRIEF’.


Militant fires off another missile to dispel the attack, Cold Snap fires a storm of ice shards at Empath who maneuvers across the sky to dodge and weave pass them.


Cold Snap: ‘SNOWSTORM’.


Cold Snap summons a giant tornado of ice and snow which seems to swallow up Empath, only for the cold-hearted beauty to receive a reddish-black light ball to her back, they all turn to see Empath behind them, having teleported out of the storm. Cold Snap lets out a bloodcurdling scream, having a mental breakdown she begins ripping out her hair and clawing at her own skin.


One-shot: Cold Snap, calm down.


Empath: It’s no use, my Suicidal Grief throws the target into an uncontrollable frenzied state of despair and madness, straight to the point of self-harm and outright suicide.


And that she does, Cold Snap lunges straight forward, using her ice to launch herself upwards before falling back down to earth.


Militant: (extends his hand in a failed attempt to grab her) Cold Snap, wait!


It’s too late however, almost as soon as she goes airborne and drops back down. she impales herself on a hanging hook, offing herself in that instant. The other agents are shocked at this turn of events. Militant grits his teeth at Empath in fury.


Militant: (furious) You’re dead! (launches a swarm of rockets at her)




Draconic’s flames burn through all the missiles, causing an explosion. Militant turns to him and finds that Draconic had already transformed more than 50% of his body (limbs, chest and most of his head included) with dragon-like features. Now even including a tail, claws and horns. Draconic flies overhead of them and releases another fire breath at them. They move to dodge and One-shot fires a torrent of bullets at him, which he dodges.


Taurus charges straight at Lightspeed to grab him but the Terror agent flash steps away. A fireball hits him in the chest and he looks up to the last agent looking at him, smoky hand raised. The villain shoots a fire beam at him, burning his fur off his body, he leaps up over the flames to the agent, his hands clasped together for a ground-pound, when Lightspeed pulls him out of the way too. Taurus lands, and Scratch Mark is on him, slashing at him, Taurus tries to grab him but Scratch Mark’s speed seems to have increased, making it easy for him to weave around the behemoth.


Meanwhile Empath fires more suicide attacks at Militant, but the villain manages to dodge them, he then notices Draconic and smirking, gets an idea. He launches a missile at him, catching Empath off-guard. She takes off after it.


Empath: (flies in between them) Master! (wraps herself with her wings to become a human shield, gets hit and is thrown away)


Draconic: (realizing, surprised) Empath! ‘DRAGON RAIN’


Draconic releases a storm of fireballs from his hands, the two villains scrambling to dodge. Taurus continues his fight with Scratch Mark and finally manages to grab him, his left hand wrapped around the torso of the man half his size, squeezing hard enough to make bone-cracking sounds, right fist reared back for a punch when his arm suddenly goes flying off his torso. He turns his head in alarm to see Lightspeed standing behind him, holding one of his katanas with cocky smirk on his face. Taurus lets go of Scratch Mark and moves to punch Lightspeed with his good hand, but the lightning fast villain proves his name isn’t just for show and disappears before the attack could touch him.


A large fireball suddenly hits Taurus in the chest, courtesy of Dread. He leaps up to punch and crush Dread from above, but Lightspeed pulls him out again, Taurus lands, again striking the ground hard enough to create a large crater, just as he gets back up, he feels two hands at the sides of his neck, clawed fingers stretching to their respective, opposite sides and like “abra-cada-bra”, Taurus’ head comes clean off his shoulders, landing on the ground a few feet from his now collapsed body.


Draconic continues his fight against One-shot and Militant, when a fireball that wasn’t his flies past him, barely hitting him. He looks around to see Dread, Lightspeed and Scratch Mark all now facing him, looks a bit further to find Taurus’ decapitated state. Nearly gagging in shock and horror, he looks at the five with rage. Lightspeed unsheathes his other katana and flash-steps into the air in front of him ready to strike…


Empath: (hovering in front of Draconic to project a barrier) ‘EMOTIONAL BARRIER’


…only collide with a force field disc made of multicolored light energy.


Lightspeed: (surprised) What!


Empath: (prepares another attack and fires through the barrier) ‘MIND-PIERCING EMOTION: SUICIDAL GRIEF’.


Lightspeed however, vanishes in time to dodge the attack, Militant launches a barrage of missiles at the shield and Scratch Mark finishes it off with a strike of his own breaking through it before impaling her throat with his claws, killing her as well.


Empath: (screams in shock and pain before speaking weakly) Mas…ter Dra…co…nic.


Draconic: (looks at the murder in a shock of his own)


Left alone, Draconic looks at the now deceased bodies of his comrades, the very people he had once considered his new family, now gone. Gritting his teeth, he glares at the villains with a new-found hatred in his eyes, and a thirst for vengeance.




His body changes completely, now taking the form of full-blown dragon. He becomes over 35ft tall, 25ft long, his body covered, head to tail in scales of crimson-red, pair-orange flesh tracing from his lower-snout to down his underbelly to the tip of his tail. On his back large wings that are red on the exterior and pair orange on the interior, a spike protruding from their upper joints. Two pairs of horns on his head, sharp claws on his fingers and toes, and glowing fiery-red eyes.


He hovers above them, hate and bloodlust in his eyes as he inhales deeply, a giant ball of fiery red flame building inside his mouth. The five villains stare in surprise and amazement at his power. One-shot aims at him to fire, but his gun is out of ammo.


One-shot: …! Sh*t!




He fires a powerful blast but…




Dread creates a giant tornado storm to swallow up the attack.


Dread: (to his team) Go!


Nodding, Scratch Mark leaps up to Draconic, Militant summons and launches a missile straight for his forehead, the resulting explosion catches him off-guard and distracts him long enough for Scratch Mark to stab the soft bottom of his throat. Draconic screams in pain of the attack.


Dread: (smirks) Huh! Going full dragon may unlock your full power, but you forget it also creates more weak-spots and blind-spots for others to exploit.


Shaking his head to shrug of the pain, Draconic prepares another attack, despite feeling his strength fading fast and his minergy quickly draining, ‘Full Transformation’ uses too much minergy. Therefore, he decides to put his all into this last attack…but it all becomes for naught as another rocket flies into his mouth, colliding with the flames and exploding the attack from within his mouth. Draconic now disorientated, the Terror agents take advantage and he is riddled with a barrage of attacks, courtesy of Scratch Mark and Militant.


Exhausted and out of minergy, Draconic reverts back to human form. Scratch Mark slashes his face, taking away an eye and stripping him of the last ounce of his strength. He collapses to his knees and hands, the clawed villain grabs by the neck of suit, a twisted smirk on his face. Draconic, forcing himself to remain conscious, manages a hateful glare as he looks into Scratch Mark’s purple eyes, the deranged terrorist looking back into his.


Draconic: (weakly) How? How could we have lost so badly? Just who exactly are you?


Dread: (still stoic as in beginning) My name…is Dread.


Scratch Mark: It’s over old man. The era of the Elite Squad, is gone. Oh, and to answer your question, we were provided with intel about you and your teams’ strengths and weaknesses beforehand…by Enforcement.


Draconic’s eyes widen…for two reasons. First, in shock and disbelief, and second…in horror of a five-fingered, clawed hand going through his chest. Scratch Mark drops the motionless body on the floor, leaving it to bleed to death.


Lightspeed: We’re done here. Let’s go.


One-shot: What about her? (pointing to Cold Snap’s body, still hanging by the neck from a hook several metres above the ground)


Dread: Leave it! She knew the rules: once you’re lost in battle, you’re lost to Terror. Let’s go. (they leave)



Early the next morning.


Enforcement soldiers arrive on scene to clean up the mess, they put the bodies in body bags and take them out, cleaning up the damage caused by the fight. Bishop, also present, looks around, seeing the devastation and carnage, he lets out a heavy sigh.


Bishop: To think that Enforcement’s second-best team could be taken down so maliciously, it seems my worst fears are finally coming true: Terror is beginning to grow stronger…and my failures are beginning to catch up to me. (sighs heavily then turns to a soldier) Report.


Soldier: Reports of multiple deaths sir. About 65 casualties, including the Elite Squad and the Terror agent.


They look up to see several flying soldiers prying Cold Snap off the hook.


Bishop: Ah, the ice witch Cold Snap. Known for being responsible for the deaths of over 2000 people state-wide alone.


Soldier: Can’t believe they’d actually leave one of their guys’…uh, girls’ corpse behind.


Bishop: I do. Terror has always been more about results than the sacrifices taken to get them. I guess there really is no honor among thieves.


Soldier: Huh? Was that “Dungeons and Dragons” reference?


Some other soldiers go to get Draconic’s body, when he suddenly starts fidgeting and coughing, but not waking up.


Other soldier: (calling out) Master Draconic’s still alive.


Bishop: (pleasantly surprised) What?! Get the paramedics in here, quickly.


Another soldier: (runs up to Bishop, holding a walkie talkie) Prof. Cunnycut. It’s for you, there’s something going on at HQ.



SCENE: Enforcement Branch Office


Outside the building entrance, a boy dressed in a white long-sleeved top, under black short-sleeved hoodie and dark-gray sweatpants stands, staring calmly and almost emotionlessly at the large building, built on the far edge of the big apple, hidden from the rest of the city.


Kyle: (sighs) Alright, let’s see what you’ve done with Laz.


The scene fades to black as the CHAPTER ends.





Stat Bonus:


Terror Soldier 3’s stats:

Skill(s): Phantom Push

Level: 1.6

Str: 13 Mob: 12 Int: 12 Atk: 25 Def: 23 Rcy: 10


Terror Soldier 1’s stats:

Skill(s): Drop Punch

Level: 1.7

Str: 22 Mob: 18 Int: 12 Atk: 30 Def: 10 Rcy: 10


Terror Soldier 2’s stats:

Skill(s): Heavy Strike

Level: 1.8

Str: 23 Mob: 14 Int: 10 Atk: 42 Def: 10 Rcy: 10


Terror Soldier 4’s stats:

Skill(s):  Sword Beam

Level: 2.2

Str: 20 Mob: 30 Int: 17 Atk: 35 Def: 19 Rcy: 10


Terror Soldier 5’s stats:

Skill(s): Giant Arms, Stonethrower

Level: 3.2

Str: 39 Mob: 22 Int: 20 Atk: 50 Def: 41 Rcy: 20


Scratch Mark’s stats:

Skill(s): Razor Claws, Wind Blades, Summon: Shield

Level: 5.3

Str: 50 Mob: 61 Int: 43 Atk: 75 Def: 47 Rcy: 39


Cold Snap’s stats:

Skill(s): Ice-cold

Level: 5.5

Str: 45 Mob: 58 Int: 50 Atk: 75 Def: 66 Rcy: 34



Blake/Bomb Blast’s stats:

Skill(s): Explosions

Level: 5.0

Str: 42 Mob: 47 Int: 44 Atk: 68 Def: 59 Rcy: 38


Elaine/Empath’s stats:

Skill(s): Emotion Master, Energy Wings, Instant Travel

Level: 5.2

Str: 38 Mob: 80 Int: 49 Atk: 61 Def: 45 Rcy: 38


Winfred/Warlady’s stats:

Skill(s): Tentacles, Rapid-fire Fingers

Level: 5.4

Str: 48 Mob: 66 Int: 55 Atk: 76 Def: 37 Rcy: 40


Tylen/Taurus’ stats:

Skill(s): Minotaur

Level: 5.9

Str: 73 Mob: 43 Int: 40 Atk: 78 Def: 68 Rcy: 53


Master Dann/Draconic’s stats:

Skill(s): Dragonshift

Level: 7.1

Str: 76 Mob: 75 Int: 60 Atk: 89 Def: 70 Rcy: 55


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