Chapter 22 Rite Of Passage...
Majorly, sex was not allowed between different sexes. But that was different sexes. There was nothing forbidding same Sexed relationships.
As Lenny and E701 walked away after submitting their bowls, Lenny watched as E666 walked up to a group of guys and lifted her loin cloth open again.
According to the Ability the system had granted him, he could see the effect of her ability taking place.
Manual labor had always been a strong boost for building testosterone in the body.
It was very easy for one to think that the gladiators would or should be tired after their training and then meal, but vanity had a way of raring its head at the most unexpected of times.
Everybody got to their cells.
there was two major cells for men, and the same for women.
Both set of cells faced each other and was only separated by a corridor that ran in between.
Lenny was busy talking with E701. Knowledge was just too important for him to abandon such an opportunity.
However, that did not mean that he did not know what happened around him.
According to what E701 told him about the place, whether it was a man or woman, they all moved and operated in little groups.
This groups were formed based on a lot of things, but it was majorly formed as a result of background.
For example: Halfborns that had Sirens as one half of their parents usually moved together.
Those that had Minitours as their parents would also be seen moving together.
This division happened naturally amongst Half-borns.
By bloodline, it was easy for them to be able to identify their own kind.
Similarly, those that did not have Kin or theirs was rare, would also flock together in other to protect each other's backs.
Unless asked to explicitly fight one another, they did not or avoided conflict as much as possible.
But just as one would except in any location with people and groups. Differences arising was a common thing.
Fights did not normal happen within the cages for fear of punishment, but when in the arena, payback was always a bitch.
The Gladiators had their own smaller groups and those groups naturally had their own leaders.
There were also roles that other members of crews played that benefitted or supported the group.
E701 was unfortunately not in any group. He's kind were not so easy to find, and even the group bond together without a common heritage did not want him.
He was practically a loner.
But in watching this man, Lenny felt that there was a lot he could learn from him. After all, this man had survived for a long time in this place all by himself.
However, what happened next made him change his mind.
Only minutes after there were in their cells, Profanities had already started happening all around.
Both the men and women who were cages opposite them were shameless.
Some women immediately engaged in pleasing one another, while some men stood at the edge of their own cells watching the women go at it and beat their meat.
Once in a while, a patrol guard would pass. However, he would not even care about what these half humans were doing.
It was like watching two chickens go at it. It was amusing at first, but as the farmer, you become used to these sights.
Lenny could see that E666 was also engaged in extracurricular activities with her cellmates.
And he could also see the men beating their organ to the effort of her activities.
He shook his head and looked away as he was not interested in such a thing.
E666 on the other hand had been observing him. The moment his eyes looked away from her, it made her frown.
She looked to some of the men sitting in the same cell as Lenny and exchanged meaningful eye contact with them.
They nodded in accordance as they stood up and walked towards him.
There was a total of six of them.
They stopped in front of Lenny and E701.
At first, Lenny did not want to acknowledge the existence of these people.
But E701 made sure he did.
The first thing the old man did was to bow before them in respect.
This immediately annoyed Lenny. However, the worse was yet to come.
The men removed the loin cloth covering their privates.
Six naked men with their manhood in the open were facing them.
E701 immediately understood what they wanted. He went on his knees and was about to start mouth service.
Seeing what the old man was about to do made Lenny pause.
He could not believe it.
In truth, Lenny did not care if E701 swung that way. What truly infuriated him, was the fact he was still talking to the old man and was disrespected in such a manner.
He turned to the men before him.
But before he could show his annoyance, they had pushed further once more.
"No, old man! Not you. We want the Pup!"
Pup was the nickname that was given to anybody that was new in any particular class.
"Yeah! crawl all the way here, and pay your rite of passage."
E701 quickly explained to Lenny what a Rite of passage was.
However, he did not need to. The former owner of this body had also paid a Rite of passage when he had been forced into the D class.
It was the brothers he shared the same cell with that conducted his.
The entire idea of a Rite of passage was for a newcomer to entertain those already on the ground.
The tag on entertainment was not limited.
While the former owner of the body was in D class, what the brothers he shared a cell with had done, was make him dance for their entertainment.
However, these men were entirely different. There were telling him to throw himself on the ground for their pleasure.
Lenny slowly stood up to his feet. He felt very insulted.
But that did not matter. He cracked his knuckles. If it was entertainment they wanted, then he was going to give it to them. However, his method was going to be a bit painful...
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