Chapter 29: Ceril Tusin Orgatorph
Chapter 29: Ceril Tusin Orgatorph
After completing its schedule, the escort group immediately departed at the next break of dawn.
When I wondered where Giesse was and asked Lagnis, apparently theyd decided to prepare him a housing at Ogwen and leave him there for a while since going together to the capital right now could get him spotted by the Noble faction and put him in danger instead.
Well yeah, even if he couldnt stand as a witness, he should be enough to easily track down several people related to the Noble faction, so he might immediately receive a party-sized assortment of assassins if he got seen close to the King faction.
It was disappointing even then to part without seeing each others face even once after we even flew in the sky together, but I was sure wed ultimately see each other some day.
So, which are you going to do?
Lagnis, whod been sending me a disgruntled look while I was lying down on one side of the carriage that was far too big for just two to ride and fully enjoying the luxury, suddenly asked.
But having been mulling over the feeling of parting that hadnt yet disappeared within the still and motionless comfort, I couldnt process the point of her question for a second.
Sir Ekavs offer and my offer. Did you decide which to accept?
Of course Ill have to stay at Sir Ekavs house, what kind of an obvious question isack!
Why is that obvious!
My side got kicked at an unexpected assault, but I was absolutely aggrieved.
I mean, even when thinking about it logically, if I was told to choose one between living off Lagniss seasonal villa that just now was about to heroically resurrect and commuting all the way from there to Sir Ekavs mansion, or living like a guest at Sir Ekavs house with the systemic diet and training that his houses soldiers get, then wasnt the answer obviously the latter?
Just in case, I weighted them again with a cool intellect, but as expected the latter was better.
Theyre on a different level in the first place, you know? You just dont know very well just how big an impact commuting time makes on the quality of life cause youre still young.
As someone who lived and suffered a commute that took two hours just in one direction in his last life, I touted myself to know of its importance more than anyone else in this world.
But Lagnis, who had no way of knowing something as useless as my such experience, simply puffed her cheeks full and repeatedly clobbered me.
The trip that continued together with trivial pranks and jokes was certainly smooth. After all, regardless of however much this world was insane and crazy murderers were abundant, the nutcases that would try to rob or attack a caravan this big were extreme minorities.
Even more so, one of Kings 10 Swords and a battlemage who looked like he could snap even berserk warriors necks were exuding extraordinary pressures at the front, so even the true nutcase of the century would have no choice but to modestly step aside.
As a result, the only things we had to do were watching the scenery pass by, eat, and sleep, and so even Lagnis became very overflowing with energy and became this utterly violent.
Maybe not if their harassments continue even after you arrive at the capital, but why would I go out of my way to reject Sir Ekavs offer and live at your house when we even came to the conclusion that they wouldnt even think of it for a while alreadyack! Aack! Words! Let me just! Finish my words!
You dense bastard! You! Just keep! Buying! A beating onto yourself!
They were days I couldnt stop lamenting at the unfair and unjust violence, but I obviously didnt bend my opinion to the end.
The capital wed arrived at after six days like that was a metropolice that far exceeded my imaginations.
Honestly because Ogwen wasnt much and because there were also stories that Id picked up from here and there, Id been living without much expectations of this worlds culture and civilization. Of course, Ogwen had a culture and technology closer to Middle Age fantasy seen only in games rather than the Middle Age full of actual reality, but it was a level that couldnt be called clean and refined even with half-hearted words.
But the capital was different. It was stylish and clean and simply grand enough to be called fantasy-esque by anyone. There was a grandeur of a different type than the modern cities with their street-lined buildings.
At the completely unexpected culture shock, I ultimately couldnt help but act like a stereotypical country bumpkin and endlessly exclaim. But Lagniss entrance to the capital wasnt something so easy-going for me to thrust my body out of the window and sightsee the world.
Because it was planned to not directly reveal her until the official announcement, we had to close the windows and draw down the curtains so that no one could see inside when we got close to the capital.
Something like this isnt the capital-sightseeing Ive thought of!
You werent even interested in the first place.
Not anymore now
Seriously I was so curious about just what kind of buildings there were and what they were selling and how expensive they would rip people off that I was losing my mind. There also supposedly existed an Adventurers Guild right on the capital, but I couldnt even imagine just what kinds of jobs it could get adventurers to do in a city this brilliant. Was there even a space for them to stay at?
While I thought over those questions, we first stopped our steps at Sir Ekavs mansion. When the carriage stopped at a training field that was a part of the white mansion that gave off a similar feeling as ancient Greek temples, Lagnis who was very full of displeasure spoke.
Get off. Weve arrived at your destination.
Why are you angry again? Were basically close enough to trip on each others doorsteps.
Hmph! Go get harassed by Lady Orgatorph and regret your decision!
Pushing me as if chasing me out and then violently closing the carriage door, Lagnis left the Orgatorph Mansion like that.
Before I, who all of a sudden was left alone, even had a chance to be dazed at that, one of the horse-riding knights who participated in the escort group approached me and spoke.
Come. Master of the house has instructed me to introduce you to the masters family and servants and then give you a room.
Seeing how he was calling Sir Ekav master, it looked like hes also Orgatorph Houses knight. He didnt particularly look like he planned to exchange names with me, so I also simply nodded my head without saying anything and then followed him.
When we entered inside the mansion where an air of everything from a single blade of grass to the servants living calmly and quietly as if not to dirty the houses honor flowed, an old gentleman who was a literal definition of a butler greeted us.
Thank you for your troubles, Sir Landa.
The troubles are just beginning, head butler. Are madam and lady in the house?
They have left to participate in a tea party Baroness Aridenne is hosting and are currently not available.
It should be a while if its that madams tea party. Then may I ask you for now to please prepare a room for this boy to use?
Seemingly planning to push the work onto someone else, the knight called Landa pointed at me with his back turned. When the old gentleman wordlessly asked with a stare, he shrugged his shoulders and answered.
Hes a boy that the master has found and brought over, sir. For now, its fine to treat him as a guest.
I see. I will direct him right away, sir.
Having lightly bowed his head in thanks, Landa immediately turned his body and briskly walked out of the mansion. Looking at that, it seemed he wasnt simply pushing his work onto the gentleman, but merely had formally transferred over his work from not having enough time to wait for the madam of the house who went on the outing.
Sir, I am Yan Gridsy, the head butler of the Orgatorph House. May I ask for your name?
A mustached head butler that used honorifics even to a boy? So someone like this actually existed.
I am called Eldmia Egga, sir.
Because there shouldnt be any particular need for me to explain everything, and since it would also be awkward to already say hello when I didnt even know what Id be doing from now on while staying at the mansion, I simply gave just my introduction and then closed my mouth. But even then, head butler Yan drew a faint smile as he slightly bowed and then spoke to me as he walked up the stairs at the central hall.
Come this way, please. I will lead you to your room.
The room I followed him to while receiving his polite guiding was magnificent enough to wonder if it really was a guest room.
Yan gifted me freedom by exiting and closing the door together with a short goodbye and without saying anything else, but because I couldnt dare sit down on that fluffy and absolutely refined looking bed and sofa with my disappointment of an appearance that couldnt be called very clean, in reality I could only feel like tap dancing on a field of thorns. Unable to do this or that, in the end I went inside a bathtub of a bathroom at one side of the room and squatted down inside it.
Something something doesnt feel right about this.
But even then, it was definite that it would be better than dirtying those expensive furniture. As I blankly stared into space with really no thought at all within a storm of weirdly comforting yet heartbreaking emotions, I fell asleep before I knew it.
How long must Ive been sleeping like that? At a sound of unknown and harsh footsteps heard from afar, I reflexively opened my eyes.
Little mistress! Just why are you acting!
For an instant I almost forgot even where this was and nearly pulled out the sword from the sleeping bag I was hugging. Only after my still half-asleep head had realized that the bang I just heard was a sound of mercilessly kicking the door open, I grasped the situation together with the voice that sounded and could barely put down my bags.
Aahh little mistress! Your father has told us to treat him as a guest!
Hes not here?
But as to just why they were making that dramatic of an entrance, I couldnt guess anything at all. Like that, while I was stunned at the incomprehensible situation, the dramatic sound of footsteps neared and the bathroom door violently opened.
And in front of the door that opened like that, a person who undoubtedly and clearly had kicked the door open with her feet boldly stood and looked down at me.
The girl, who revealed her identity with just her long platinum-blond hair that was more golden than Asileyes and violet eyes that resembled her fathers, spoke.
I am Ceril Tusin Orgatorph.
What the?
Was she also an owner of a creed like me?
TL note: 3/3 -> 1/4
I initially planned to release this chapter last weekend, but irl things happened and it ended up delayed. Anyway, if all goes to plan, there will be 4 chapters released this month, at around 1 chapter per week.
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